After years of democratic efforts to form the government the political parties in power have realized that its party's owned government or personalities owned govt. Is this what has been enshrined in the constitution. Whether representatives of people in form of MLA's or MPs are nothing before the rule which now supersedes party and later personalities? The debate is important since the governments are now addressed as congress or BJP governments, and prime ministers becomes the proprietary of a particular party. During last months there has been several instances when spokes person of the party in power also defends the government. Any question raised to the government is defended or responded by the party in power. Is it an attempt to shy away from the constitutional clarity that government belong to everybody and its the government or its representative which are answerable to the people not the party in power. There has been opinion made to supersede the party structure and officials over the government. The party forgets that its representation of people act which allows them to functions at the tops, they represent a group of people who support similar ideologies.
The position of the highest chair in the government does not belong to a party he must be representing the government in all times till he is in the chair. In the mode of opposition the representatives from the public also started to blame the parties rather than the government. A government is not merely contributed from the representatives of the people, rather other two arms too contributes for the success and failures of the programs. The agenda of political parties are to voice the opinion in the forum where other two section has equal chance to participate in administration. In todays time there is notion of supremacy by the political class not among the citizens but also among the functionaries of the governments.
The operation difficulties and understanding of the sectors are limited within the political parties but the latest tradition of enforcing the decision to functionaries of the government is not healthy. The recent cases of health disaster where targets are given by the secretaries are often enforced to the health officers leading to negligence by the doctors while performing their duties. Whether the officials have power to say no? There is amount of fear and anxiety when the voice of the functionaries other than the political class is not heard.
There is total take over of the government by the political class which in many a times not bound to take decision for the interest of the citizens. Often the political class is bound by the ideologies which binds the thoughts, which may not be rationale for implementation of the schemes. The recent cancellation of the planning commission, low lying knowledge commission, and missions by earlier government also points out that there will not be now policy consistency when the government is changed and ruled by different parties.
Majority must prevail in action, but this must also bring the political uncertainity and paralysis more frequent in the country. How does the development planning and schemes going to suffer in such frequent change of governments run by the political parties?
The position of the highest chair in the government does not belong to a party he must be representing the government in all times till he is in the chair. In the mode of opposition the representatives from the public also started to blame the parties rather than the government. A government is not merely contributed from the representatives of the people, rather other two arms too contributes for the success and failures of the programs. The agenda of political parties are to voice the opinion in the forum where other two section has equal chance to participate in administration. In todays time there is notion of supremacy by the political class not among the citizens but also among the functionaries of the governments.
The operation difficulties and understanding of the sectors are limited within the political parties but the latest tradition of enforcing the decision to functionaries of the government is not healthy. The recent cases of health disaster where targets are given by the secretaries are often enforced to the health officers leading to negligence by the doctors while performing their duties. Whether the officials have power to say no? There is amount of fear and anxiety when the voice of the functionaries other than the political class is not heard.
There is total take over of the government by the political class which in many a times not bound to take decision for the interest of the citizens. Often the political class is bound by the ideologies which binds the thoughts, which may not be rationale for implementation of the schemes. The recent cancellation of the planning commission, low lying knowledge commission, and missions by earlier government also points out that there will not be now policy consistency when the government is changed and ruled by different parties.
Majority must prevail in action, but this must also bring the political uncertainity and paralysis more frequent in the country. How does the development planning and schemes going to suffer in such frequent change of governments run by the political parties?