Nature Remembers You...

Nature Remembers You...

Friday, October 9, 2009


Problem Statement:
Prepare a System Design Document for a department - the system design should be part of the Geographical Information System, inclusive of System Input (Data and Information required), System Process (Analytical) and System Output (Maps, Charts, Reports etc.).

For the system design you must start with decision to be taken for the departments. Example for the system design departments can be - Urban Planning, Water Supply, Property Tax, Forest, Transport, Fire Brigade/Disaster Management, Housing /Estate, Environment Management, Public Health etc.

Submission Format:
Use sheet of paper for representing system design in Flow diagram, indicating the various items or functions, relationship between the items. You may submitt the diagram in A3 or A4 sheets.

Submission Deadline : 29th October 2009, mail me at;

Shashikant Kumar

1 comment:

Green Eminent said...

You need to submit the assignments on Mail before the last date.

Hurry Up, vaccations are getting over.
