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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Developmental Politics and state

The state being one of the fastest growing have started looking to dominate the Indian economies have come into existence as an outcome of libralisation policies. The centre though assigned considerable freedom due to economic compulsion and political outcome is becoming weak in addressing the national concern. Each of state is looking on their turf to improve, its good as long as they do not logger heads over the precious resources. The state like Gujarat, too where the CM in power likes to demonstrate his abilities rather than party in power or the ministries entrusted with task. The image building excercise has turned ugly and would call for down turn of the Indian democratic system. We as individuals would like to see governments which dominates our lives with constant pestering on 'who is who' of Indian politics talking at random about their acheivement.

Its acceptable as long as they are limited to party politics, but the intrusion of 'development' addressed with numbers of doles handed out to the poor, crores spent on the schemes etc looks like erstwhile rulers giving their subject regular handouts. Is'nt the governments are supposed to be working for the people, Why do they have to loath about the tasks they have performed? Its too shamelessness of the people in power to showcase their material acheivements without considering the fact that in democracy they are the custodian of public welfare. The failures are gone under the red carpet of the governments, which they would like to hide till development politics result in fall of their governments.

The 21st century 'development' though unsustainabe has now become media savvy and eirrational to the need of the society. The challenges before us is big and ever increasing intead of focussing on the future we are still busy in completing the tasks taken during our first plan. We talk of decentralization but if act miserably till the state takes the form of darconian and suffocating rulers led by likes of presents CMs in most of the state in country. This is not encuraging for those who wanted to enter in public life. Till some introspection happens keep the bell ringing.

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