Nature Remembers You...

Nature Remembers You...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Who wants to do business here anyway?

India has been ranked 134th out of 183 countries for the 'ease of doing business', tought for the analyst who think India has globalised and libralised from red tape since last two decades. The poor performance emerges from the lack of sanctity of the contract system between the players. Be it corruption or speed money this is rocking the business world in dealing with Indian system of functioning. No matter what we do, it is failing in keeping the promises. The example of Common Wealth Games (CWG) mired with controversies refuses to pay to its international suppliers, coursey, Kalmadi and Co. The 14.0 Lakh crores worth MoU signed in Gujarat, would take years to materialise, the system is pathetic. The small and medium enterprise cannot think to survive in this scenario. Govt and their department just does not hounour the contracts, it takes numerous communications to get through your money.

As someone rightly points INDIA is business logic ' I'll Not Do It Again'.

Even though Anna's anti graft movements has raised the corruption, this Diwali could not be less merrier for the Govt. officials, who lapped up gifts, with both hands. Some even heard to have supplied gold and silver bars to the state secraterate in Gujarat. Just to boost business the gratidute is given to the babus and political masters, to ensure your ability to do business in India. The state govt's is also no exception in accepting the speed money from over the table in country. The fearlessness of the system would not go just because Anna and Co wanted, because it feeds on self, the system is prone to such attitude.

India cannot expect to have 'Arab' revolution or Capturing of Wall street, we can at best 'tweet' to rest in our residences, allowing the poor traffic walas to take his share of cake. The political system right from the local councellors to the state cheif, is marred with steep rise in rates post diwali asking for more. What they say of Anna, thats for his carrier and people who join them, we raise the toast. Alex says, 'Those who wonder where are the corrupt persons, we all must say, its here..its here..its here'. Amin!!

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