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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Development has got new Engine and Multiple Drivers in India

With the election over in most of the state, the dominance of the new political order is reflected in the way we deal with the issues in our hand. The state were subject to distinct development philosophy than the central government has to align with new change. The sudden shift in the goal post and the drivers of the government from background also reflected in change in direction of development. Instead of chasing the development goals of food, shelter and employment the current national government in India is looking for culture, education and hindu nationalism. The essential ingredient to divert the attention from acute poverty and unemployment, the role of market is now enhanced with more private money (investment) and government wants to achieve the development targets. The babus in the governments would now feel like corporate having made to negotiate with private corporations for the basic needs of the citizens. In no time the civil services are looking to be privatized, with more local governments and state is opening doors for market driven economy. The end of planned era and more dominance of right wing ideology is now tutoring the governments to stand for make over and understand the change.

The correction or readjustment of the historical facts to suit the government in power is up for debate in development circle, the argument of development is on the surface with top most leader is promising for the sea change in the way state has been addressed in last 60 years. The systems of the governance is looking for the change, with initial rise of the market hopes there is downfall on the extreme other hand. The economy hoping for the revival must wait for these fundamental change inside the governance of the plans and schemes. Till than there is scope for the international agencies and corporation to invest and partner with the government for delivering the goods and services to the citizens. More investment is expected in the states but by whom, the international order has also been changing with revival of the US economy.

The cultural change and sudden assertions of majority politics have thrown necessary evil to disturb the harmony in society. The national concern towards the spaces whether its rural or urban is of constant flip flop with little policy consistency. The sense of the urgency as promised in the elections are now tend to reduce as the days passes by the ruling government. Now these are the national concerns which have been little addressed when the government is questions still refuses to acknowledge there role. The clean operations stands foremost important before they start reflecting there thought, hence more active third layers of political class.

The focus on the cultural assertions through the government is must and so is the celebrations changing the national identities with more focus on Gita, Ganga, Gaye (Cow) and other such hindutva symbolism. Of these even many so called Hindu's are shamed by accepting a certain ideology which is still germinating from the heads of Nagpur clan of Hindus. The emergence of identities are distinct and new political class in race of taking control of nation is unsettled with principles of Indian constitutions.

Though its difficult to pass the judgement, but whether the development politics of the past would survive the test of present time. Keep you finger crossed!!

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