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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Divergence of Governance in India

 India, has picked up habit of the capital based economy when daring to beat the market by opening the economy for the international shock and competition. The democratically elected government now having made its people believe that till next general election the government in power is going to embrace the market and make us all competitive. But given the promises and effort made to attract the investments and major promises could not be met except some significant improvement in the image of country and its current leader. The skill of the leader and government is to maintain the image which can be positive and progressive. Elsewhere the  India is raged with the debate on the proving the nationalism, loyalty to govts in power in centre or state, fixing the investors and ignoring the masses. The needs and wishes of the people who wanted to see the 'better' days ahead expects the government to act fast for fulfilling the desires.

The excessive debates the polarization of political thoughts where no two party has agreed to respect each other views have made the fight between national parties as to finish them politically. Emotive charges over one another and further leading to declare them anti-national. The emergence of debates which engrossed the intellectualism and readerships across the nation to forget the electoral promises, tall claims and reasoning put by the current leader. The mere acknowledgement and believe that this time would also pass, reduces India's ranking and rating to an feeble exercise which cannot sustain the trade pressure. Though the people who are dependent on government are mainly poor living in rural and urban areas, there is little respite and attention received apart from populism. 

The scale and magnitude of the problem is politically thrown out of the basket where the nation is debating what is politically hot. The commerce, trade and development of the communities takes backseat. Election to election mode of governance has resulted in short interest in the issues and agenda and greatly diverted to seek the fast track solutions.   

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