Nature Remembers You...

Nature Remembers You...

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Planning Commission gone to dustbin, now 'Niti Ayog' : India reduced to blah blah development

The government must set the priority on the basic essence of Indian planning system. The proposed renaming of planning commission, has no meaning unless there is functional change. Its not clear what the government wants, just throwing away the organisation and function is not the intention. May be blindly following the US way of doing of the things means we are entering into capitalist based economic system. But this would always increase fight between the states, and center should have minimum role in planning of state. Are states prepared to open planning and policy making. Policy making at the national level had been centres task and planning commission did many good things, just before rejected due to dislike of developed state as well as BJP ruled states. The axis of development would change post congress era but whether it should go away from constitutional commitments. If not, planning commission is best option available with little reform to suit the current macro requirements. Its sad that intellectuals and politicians who had taken big and bold steps are silent on serious basis of Indian economic and development system. This also shows serious lapse on our commitment to the world bodies. Is that so simple to change the name ' Niti Ayog' i.e. Policy commission, what about five year plan, we are getting away from plan regime means we do not now talk of poverty, inequality, inclusion and employment, but talk more of export-import, national security, industries, SEZ and urbanization. The national macro priorities have flipped now till they receive some serious thoughts from planning from below.

The policy making is loose till there is some essence in planning. Many have in past talked about planning from below, which mean decentralization of decisions. India needs to rethink on the development agenda at par with the directions from the UNDP or ADB or WTO or UNFCC in order to follow the agenda of world on one hand and look for the solutions for the problems at hand. The land and agricultural policies connected with the livelihood of the masses cannot be resolved by making policy (we already have plenty). The centre needs to redistribute the funds in order to reduce the inequality amongst the states and its people. The resources in the country is not equally distributed thus making the role of centre very important to address the regional and sector based issues.

The past commission did not pay much attention to the regional needs including those of states and districts, the legislative power given to the local bodies including district authorities also needs to be enhanced. The district development plans must now be given top priority while taking for the developments. Most of the problem facing the country are felt locally and can be resolved by having the integrated development plans. The resource exploitation has become serious threat to the eco-systems, fueling the migrations trends. The justifiable development must be achieved by going towards the people centeric approach in planning.

Where is direction to the nation by changing these names, the frequency of neglect of the primary and secondary sector is serious. While growth may happen from the FDI investments but this would also destroy the synergies between the people and state. The manufacturing capacities of the Indian people and markets are understated and killed by systematic intrusion by the foreigners in our economic space. It seems we would be back to the imperialism of economic character with more loose strings now going into the MNC giants. The vested interest have taken now control of the economic systems to retain the benefits of economic growth to few and planning to leave the rest of India on its own.

Instead of reviving the public systems if governments in power in centre and state chooses to ignore them, there is going to be total chaos in social order which might be starting from below. The time might be appropritate for the citizens and working class to understand that their strengths are misunderstood in present context. India, must be awake to the changes and support where ever  these are appropriate but also be strong enough to resist the change which can hamper their economic and social prospects. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Development has got new Engine and Multiple Drivers in India

With the election over in most of the state, the dominance of the new political order is reflected in the way we deal with the issues in our hand. The state were subject to distinct development philosophy than the central government has to align with new change. The sudden shift in the goal post and the drivers of the government from background also reflected in change in direction of development. Instead of chasing the development goals of food, shelter and employment the current national government in India is looking for culture, education and hindu nationalism. The essential ingredient to divert the attention from acute poverty and unemployment, the role of market is now enhanced with more private money (investment) and government wants to achieve the development targets. The babus in the governments would now feel like corporate having made to negotiate with private corporations for the basic needs of the citizens. In no time the civil services are looking to be privatized, with more local governments and state is opening doors for market driven economy. The end of planned era and more dominance of right wing ideology is now tutoring the governments to stand for make over and understand the change.

The correction or readjustment of the historical facts to suit the government in power is up for debate in development circle, the argument of development is on the surface with top most leader is promising for the sea change in the way state has been addressed in last 60 years. The systems of the governance is looking for the change, with initial rise of the market hopes there is downfall on the extreme other hand. The economy hoping for the revival must wait for these fundamental change inside the governance of the plans and schemes. Till than there is scope for the international agencies and corporation to invest and partner with the government for delivering the goods and services to the citizens. More investment is expected in the states but by whom, the international order has also been changing with revival of the US economy.

The cultural change and sudden assertions of majority politics have thrown necessary evil to disturb the harmony in society. The national concern towards the spaces whether its rural or urban is of constant flip flop with little policy consistency. The sense of the urgency as promised in the elections are now tend to reduce as the days passes by the ruling government. Now these are the national concerns which have been little addressed when the government is questions still refuses to acknowledge there role. The clean operations stands foremost important before they start reflecting there thought, hence more active third layers of political class.

The focus on the cultural assertions through the government is must and so is the celebrations changing the national identities with more focus on Gita, Ganga, Gaye (Cow) and other such hindutva symbolism. Of these even many so called Hindu's are shamed by accepting a certain ideology which is still germinating from the heads of Nagpur clan of Hindus. The emergence of identities are distinct and new political class in race of taking control of nation is unsettled with principles of Indian constitutions.

Though its difficult to pass the judgement, but whether the development politics of the past would survive the test of present time. Keep you finger crossed!!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Governments are the party's property?

After years of democratic efforts to form the government the political parties in power have realized that its party's owned government or personalities owned govt. Is this what has been enshrined in the constitution. Whether representatives of people in form of MLA's or MPs are nothing before the rule which now supersedes party and later personalities? The debate is important since the governments are now addressed as congress or BJP governments, and prime ministers becomes the proprietary of a particular party. During last months there has been several instances when spokes person of the party in power also defends the government. Any question raised to the government is defended or responded by the party in power. Is it an attempt to shy away from the constitutional clarity that government belong to everybody and its the government or its representative which are answerable to the people not the party in power. There has been opinion made to supersede the party structure and officials over the government. The party forgets that its representation of people act which allows them to functions at the tops, they represent a group of people who support similar ideologies.

The position of the highest chair in the government does not belong to a party he must be representing the government in all times till he is in the chair. In the mode of opposition the representatives from the public also started to blame the parties rather than the government. A government is not merely contributed from the representatives of the people, rather other two arms too contributes for the success and failures of the programs. The agenda of political parties are to voice the opinion in the forum where other two section has equal chance to participate in administration. In todays time there is notion of supremacy by the political class not among the citizens but also among the functionaries of the governments.

The operation difficulties and understanding of the sectors are limited within the political parties but the latest tradition of enforcing the decision to functionaries of the government is not healthy. The recent cases of health disaster where targets are given by the secretaries are often enforced to the health officers leading to negligence by the doctors while performing their duties. Whether the officials have power to say no? There is amount of fear and anxiety when the voice of the functionaries other than the political class is not heard.

There is total take over of the government by the political class which in many a times not bound to take decision for the interest of the citizens. Often the political class is bound by the ideologies which binds the thoughts, which may not be rationale for implementation of the schemes. The recent cancellation of the planning commission, low lying knowledge commission, and missions by earlier government also points out that there will not be now policy consistency when the government is changed and ruled by different parties.

Majority must prevail in action, but this must also bring the political uncertainity and paralysis more frequent in the country. How does the development planning and schemes going to suffer in such frequent change of governments run by the political parties?

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Cleaning Urban India: More System Failure than People

Nearly a month is near to end since our PM started campaign to clean India. Though it started from Valmiki Colony in Delhi, the Page 3 celebraties invited for the cleaning opearation inclucing many wealthy attracted eye balls from media. The publicity and oops moments of the stars are seen near the nallas of Mumbai to Bangalore and Kolkata. Does this intigated the citizens, check the reality facts at least in cities 60-80 of the streets are supposed to be cleaned by employees of Municipalities (of course street dust and occassional wastes), door to door collection of waste is done, citizens have come out to give waste to collectors. Whereever there is lack of services the waste is still lying on the floors. Of course media cannot go beyond India Gate and Lutians Delhi to show case clean roads and yards of Bunglow sprite clean by the NDMC. The accidental street sweepers did not like themselves to be photographed with regular employees but carried out their own schedule for the photo-ops.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Batting for Investment: Smart City and Make in India

The world might have moved on after sudden demise of market economy in Europe and US, and slow improvement shows a teething problem due to market over actions. The imbalance in the trade does not allow the Indian traders to open their business abroad. The protective layers to security provided by the european government to their industries is immense. They help them to establish anywhere in the world provided there is surity of good and cheper production and low carbon footprints. The burden which the American and European cities laid on themselves due to exposure to manufacturing the products that are sold in Indian and Chinese markets is immense. The companies presence in India over the period has increased, more and more large traders wants to open their enterprise in India, and surely they would like to sell products manufactured in India, like IKEA or WALLMART, they can be sure of imports as the basis of investment in trading. They are better off if their suppliers can open manufacturing centres in India.

They are set to establish the manufacturing, but as we all know till recently its difficult to open Indian small and medium scale manufacturing of goods. The ease of investment in these daily consumables would allow them to bring technology and capital to harness the cheap labour and market. The potential markets does not allow them to move away in order to survive in consumer driven markets. The cities which are also termed as SMART which are likely to have more areas with like minded consumers and class which can consume at least half of the products readily is prepared to welcome.

We would surely have cities within A CITY. The new consumer landscape would provide opportunities to manufacture and market the brands which are premium as well as bulk in nature to induce consumer markets. The in competitive home products would be left to deal with rest of India, mostly which would be beyond projected 100 smart cities. The 'Make in India' essentially been driven by market turns out to be good investment destinations, the companies who needs to be competitive would survive but the majority communities where trade and commerce would fall.

The youth seeking employment would be trained to service the new FDI (misnomer changed to 'First Develop India') seeks wider acceptance or they would seek investment in the communities which are outcome of new urbanism, mostly emerging out of sub-urbia (Indian version-satellite towns). The cities in India is large in numbers with more than 90 million plus cities and even if the quarter of the population is served and rest utilized to produce products which needs to be sold back to them would generate revenue for manufactures in coming times.

The immense potential of human labour is to be directed by the state actions for providing labourers which are cheap and unprotected through state, would be a boon to investors looking for Make in India products. The ease of business is good till the conditionals are favourable for the Foreign Direct Investment. Forget about trade balance its win win for FDI, for us to stake the claim to be largest coolie population in the world.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Upsetting the Planning Commission: Old Wine in New Bottle

The setting of the planning commission in year 1950, an about 54 years ago and up to 12th five plan it served the nation with advising the central government and directing the states from time to time. The planning commission established to promote and protect the rights of the citizens. The development planning emerges as science which was practiced and researched while we planned for our nation. The basis of planning commission was following;

The Constitution of India has guaranteed certain Fundamental Rights to the citizens of India and enunciates certain Directive Principles of State Policy, in particular, that the State shall strive to promote the welfare of the people by securing and protecting as effectively as it may a social order in which justice, social economic and political, shall inform all the institutions of the national life and shall direct its policy towards securing, among other things:-
(a) that the citizens, men and women, equally, have the right to an adequate means of livelihood;
(b) that the ownership and control of the material resources of the community are so distributed as best to sub serve the common good; and
(c) that the operation of the economic system does not result in the concentration of wealth and means of production to the common detriment.

With new government elected in May2014, there is urge to change and new direction to be sought from the organisation which now is allowed to shut and become defunct. The new regime with eyes on the growth of economy, and post libralization effects give rise to capital and market based policy making. The rights based approach subsided by the economic and employment concerns of the urban India. The rising middle class and their hopes giving way to new thinking promoting greater participation from the enterprises. 

The so called 'think tank' based approach is not new, the guards changed with planning commission paid fitting obituary to its structure and planned era by going beyond the means by extending itself too much into the political economy. India has not achieved coordinated growth among the stakeholders like the states and centre, the federal structure needs to be strengthened with states taking more responsibility in planning.

The tiff between centre and state in earlier regime and emergence of Gujarat Model with more action towards inviting the private players and high stake of state in capital investment. The sector based growth in Gujarat, with more corporate segments of government, due to emergence of companies owned and sustained by Government. The model succeeded in reducing the government department to signing authorities and release of lumpsum financial support to new organisations. The improvised management techniques minus lack of government (middle level management) helped these government run corporate to functions. But none of the corporate (of government) was evaluated for its result except their contribution and zeal in signing the MoUs with limited companies. Public-Private partnership was done in true spirit with both the parties unshackled themselves from the government systems except receiving the financial aid and decision ability. The American dream of Gujarat government to establish the brand succeeded in making the model adaptable to wider use once the ruling party came to power in India.

Now, the model needs to be tested on India's economic fate yet, failing to recognize the need there is little doubt that the re-organised decision making body will not be planning commission. This would work as disinvestment commission on one hand when government departments would give birth to state run enterprises. Eventually, PPP model bringing out the change (financial control) to their own hand for quick decision making. It would be hard to replace the planning commission, by its nature but its easy to open a new way of governance with no government in place to decide the path to development. State and local bodies now need to compete among themselves to get the wider power and investment. It would be not long before they come together to demand more assistance and thus market playing its role.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Urban Development: India 5000 v/s 100 cities

The government of India with new leader in place looks for creating 100 cities down the line for the sake of investment. The projected growth of population for the urban India stands 500 million plus in next decade. The existing 5000 plus large, medium and small towns are vying for the investment. Except 68 JnNURM cities and 140 medium size town the country did not see much of investment in rest of the towns and cities. The current population of urban India has more than 70 percent population residing in little more than 150 one lac plus towns. These towns except the metropolitan cities have very shabby infrastructure and poor connectivity. There is lack of housing, infrastructure and transportation the key drivers for the city growth. The million plus cities are readied with metro, mass transit and expanded housing sector for the population, but the reality market has not picked up since most of the expected consumers in the cities vanished during last 5 years. The empty housing stock (mostly priced high) remains the concerns for the developers who are further looking to offer the houses to the needy at reasonable prices.

The thought for the new cities might have been emerged from the multi-national investors who may not be looking for the existing cities for the key investment in infrastructure but may offer investment in new destinations. These new areas are triggered by the industrial investments, express highways and rail/road corridors. The proposed 100 towns are expected to emerge from the thin air without any serious recommendation from the Urban Development ministry itself. The government so much guided by the industrial lobby (not known) that they have given go ahead with allocation of funds for looking at it. The existing towns though trying hard to improve did not find much support from the state governments often look for the central push for the reform (which did not come during first phase of renewal mission). The small and medium where the industrial have been trying to investment owing to its proximity to large urban centres needs serious look for the infrastructure investment often face poor treatment from the decision makers.

The oversized Delhi, Mumbai , Kolkata, Chennai and other select class I towns gets more funds since it remains the power centre in most of the states. Let it be but there is need to invest in second rug towns instead for looking at fresh 100 towns. Who is going to populate the towns, why do we need this approach and why neglect the existing town? etc would be questions asked. Even after six decades we still need a well guided urban policies, the lights emerging from the urban areas of China has been source of inspiration from many of our policy makers but they seldom see the neglect of hinterland and controlled population. The country needs a serious look on its approach at the cities.

The political differences, industrial investments and lobbying by the industrial houses have directed the recent policy shift towards the 100 new towns but we have to set the methodology to improve the delivery of services.  

Friday, June 13, 2014

Gag the Civil Society and tag them Anti National

The soft spoken ex prime minister has left a harsh decision to get the intelligence report on the Non-Governmental organisation. The recently submitted report alleges lots of irregularities (financial?) and anti national activities (protesting against developmental projects and stopping exploitation of environment). These NGOs are posing threat to the governments development programs (developing private industries, and investment in corporate facilitation infrastructure) which are supposed to raise the GDP. Due to civil society protest, now say the right to information, revised land acquisition bill and forest rights etc, which was passed by parliament under the pressure from the NGOs. The activism which led to the justice and policy for the Sardar Sarovar Dam, led by supreme court. All these measures made post 1991 libralisation led government unhappy over the civil society namely the NGOs. They could only target now the internationally funded NGOs for their alleged 'Anti National' or 'Anti Development' activities. How strange the governments led by the Congress in past ten years got the service from the National Advisory Council whose member belong to these so called internationally funded NGOs!! The present IB report made these NGOs responsible for the slow growth rate. Good at least they recognised that NGOs can become a big force to effect the governments decision making.

The activism of the NGOs led to rise of a political party namely 'Aam Aadmi Party' AAP due to their struggle against the injustice done by the past governments. Governments instead of listening to these voices rose with repressive actions against the citizens. The stalemate of December 2011 upto April -May 2012 with the Anna Movement and government showed the government the power of civil society. The action now against the NGOs are targeted to supress the voice of civil society in the name of anti-nationalism. The rights based activists are wrong in assuming that government listens to their concern of environment, they only provide lip service.

The government at present is led by huge corporate supporter base who want their projects on the fast track. The more the projects cleared, the more investment, and thus the raise in GDP in two digits. Instead of focusing on the 'inclusive growth' and addressing the needs of rural and urban poor the government tries to bypass their own agenda set for the Twelfth Five Year Plan. It tries to hide its failure to improve HDI in the name of economic growth. Thats what the economists have be tought in the classes and many PhDs they do to address the macro economic issues. The lack of sensitivities towards the civil society and improper action to supress independent voice. This is gag order by the government machinary against the NGOs and civil society to support unilaterly the desires of the capitalists. Let the people now think again in the manner in which government should be going about in running the country for next decade. The political parties do not matter, its sold to the high and mighty to thawart an attempt to protest against the unjust actions.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Message to leader and nation

Power are in the hand of people, many assume power. Let true wisdom lie within you before you decide to take over the country. Politics apart, nation need true leader not a hungry politician for power. India would continue hero worship, and let the leader take them over with power to make change. Reality, you are one of the spoke of the wheel, and so where the others. If you can ask they did not do anything, what you can do, you do not have absolute power. That's goodness of constitution. Like every politician you also try but if you fail its neither yours or if you succeed its not you. All in the team. You cannot blame one or two, neither you can give credit to anyone. You know it, but this is politics. To gain power you need to tell lies again and again till its regarded as truth. Many pains for your desire to overthrow the political opponents, but do not disregard the nation which so develop to have many good post independent India. You can do many more, but respect the past as your own, do not disown the past leaders just as they belong to different political groups. Its mutual, response of politics of apartheid towards BJP and RSS in country has been harsh in your actions. Let there be no doubt the path ahead will not be easy, you win or loose thats not the end of road. Nation needs leaders for development, not a general to rein war on everybody. 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Scope of Urban Planners on Election Eve

Country is going through an election phase which is rolling information and data on the status of various states regards to the development. The basic needs of the humans have not met in many constituency and need of hour is to understand the importance of planning and implementation. Most of the political leaders lack ideas and plan for going about conducting development works in their respective areas. The failures of the urban governance at large in providing the basic urban services and satisfying the citizen has resulted in performance of ruling party. The election to election vision of the party is different than the organised planning procedures adopted in the planning mechanism. The discussions across the board shows the concerns of all to improve the situation, irrespective of the political parties. Very few have distinct agenda for the change, the system of governance relies on the delivery, and urban services depends on efficient management. Most of the cities in India lack the efforts, despite the scores of reforms and financial aid given in last decade.

The problem lies in unwillingness of the political class to provide for the services, where on the ground its divided on the basis of class, vote bank, religious groups and power centers. The services provided in the cities are not uniform, one or the other areas are neglected not because of efficiency of the local bodies but priority which is not granted over the others. The decision makers are often people's representatives who if lucky to be in ruling party gets hearing and priority over those who are from opposition. This selective development framework of the leaders and ineffective the outreach of the services which are responsible in the state of mess in our cities.

As a professional, there is need to understand the political notion of the development for the cities, where the systems and law does not distinct the service delivery on the basis of its political support. The apolitical work of the professionals should be taken up for understanding the need of the service area. The plans so made should cater to all the section of the society without any prejudice. There are cases on the most of the cities where old areas, slums, minority areas, and urban poor are not serviced with the basic need. Cities like Mumbai, Ahmadabad, Surat, Varanasi, Allahabad etc has not been able to provide for the needs of the people in terms of the urban services.

The posh and hip city areas are provided with good road, gardens, clubs, fountains and other urban amenities which envy the poorer section which often creates a social division by the way of differential development efforts. The planners would have scope to reduce the gap of development efforts by the urban local bodies. The people often see the government from the prespective of the services they are able to receive, till the local issues are resolve it would be hard to imagine that elections would be fought on the national issues.  

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

'Development' Heroics in Democracy

'Development' when tied with successful delivery of the populist programs and schemes throws the mass leader into the run for the larger claim and longer political stint. Competitive politics of development are often loaded with political claim of the ownership. The people in general are made to believe that, the development is under control of political class and parties often take 'development' as they perceive or brand. The basic items of the development remains same in India, the states like Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Gujarat have thrown their populist development heroes to the limelight. The agenda of the politicians to deliver the schemes often funded by the central and state governments their own brand of politics. Though the party ideologies remains, to be right, centre or left, the development packaging remains more or less identical. The delivery boys i.e. the political leadership often presents before the people his version of the development in supply of water, access to roads, health care and economic doles in their frameworks.

The delivery of the 'development' through the hard work of the government machinery is often disregarded for their efficiency and the political class takes the hold of the credits of the works done on the efforts of the executives. The scores of departmental employees engaged in the departments to deliver the government programs becomes hapless victims of political bogey often targeted to benefit the political masters. The presence of feudalism in the Indian society does not let away the peoples psychic to follow the leaders not as their representative but as masters. The master do decide to tame the people and guide them to believe that its they who have delivered the required 'development' than the other competing masters. The game plan of the political class continues till it gets dethroned in elections by equal measure of falsehood created on the basis of non-delivery of the 'development'. Caught in the mirage the people tend to defend and shift from their political masters to new comer in the hope of better delivery of 'development' acts.

The recent election 2014 in India would write in the stories of such non deliveries, and promises of the new political players who intend to benefit from change in the governance. The emergence of the new hero in the development scene would also be treated as example of positioning of the political class to dethrone the incumbent political group. The lack of the development and poor delivery of the schemes would be often taken over by the new form of delivery often characterized by the path to be followed by new leadership.

The regional parties and their 'development' heroes would be important role players in delivery of such packages suited to their own people. The political masters located in the regions often do not allow a larger leadership to take control of their people and loosely termed vote bank. They often fight with the nationally relevant political class to agree with their regional deliveries of 'development'. The faith of people in the delivery of the 'development' depends on the nature of political leadership available to them often different than the national. If they have to survive on catching the fruits of 'development' they need to align with the local leaderships. The strength of the local leadership cannot be converted into the national leadership unless there is promise of delivery. The hollowness of national political class and their disconnect with the regional requirements often throws weak national governments. Hence the 'development' heroes at the national level is hard to come by, during last 30 years India has not accepted the single largest party at the centre and promise of the such delivery in the near future remains to be weak. 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Carrying Development beyond elections too...

These are election time and people are discussing the development, and political parties are claiming to be one who can perform and deliver the development to the people. After the elections the parties interfere in the functioning of the police, judiciary, independent agencies and influence the reports to rake up their performance. The National Development Council (NDC), where all the CMs are the members are often used to bring the view point which are politically motivated and used to point finger at the Centre and State.

The people have the right to know about the functioning of the departments and their performance. India has yet to see a day when most of the department publishes their progress in tasks, money spent and results achieved. If we all can understand that, the system of governance is independent of the political class in its day to day activities it would be better. The people representatives were given enough rights to represent the people and head the departments to oversee the development works, even then the leaders fail to deliver in most of the cases.  The parties once win the election are not seriously bothered about the constituency they are elected to serve instead people who are not chosen as minister often show little interest in the works of various ministries. The absence of MPs and MLA from their respective assemblies during the functioning shows the real development works which can be carried out.

Out of the 365 days the Corporators, MLA and MPs have less than 90 days of contact hours with the policy making we all can assume the seriousness of the development agenda in the years to come. The system which does not have grievance redressal system has to depend upon the leaders to listen to the voice of the people. With the improvement in the system and service delivery (which is an ongoing process) the development would be more or less would be free from political interference. Most of the interaction of the executives with the departments needs to be accountable and transparent to have assured delivery mechanism, the need for the political class to serve the people would be more directional.

The poor monitoring and decision making system does not allow the development works to be planned, monitored and executed well by the concerned departments. The state does not have full idea of the projects in the districts, and district misses the consistency in the development projects in the habitations (both rural and urban). The central government is virtual entity which has except the union territories have little control over the functioning of the state. With devolution of the powers of the Centre and State it would have been wise all to understand that who are supposed to work on the development and which agency is responsible for facilitating. The central and state governments are more to be working as facilitators for the local bodies, the pitty issue of cleaning street, supply and managing the water supply, drainage and others are the task of local bodies. Where is the question of Prime Minister and Cheif Ministers to look for the such demands of the people. People do not attempt to raise complain on the day to day problems in the localities to respective ward or panchayat offices instead they try to use the powers of the ministers for the petty works.

The work towards the poor and down trodden is often forgotten since they seldom have access to the political masters after the election. They have to wait till eternity to get satisfactory demands of their development needs. Why does the political leaders assume supreme authority in clearing all the doubt of people that they only can deliver once it comes to the development needs of the people? The lack of public education and knowledge are creating a situation where even after corruption at local level the people are made to think about the national level mismanagement, They instantly forget about since corruption upto certain amount was proved to be tolerable in the election debates. Leaders are talking about corruption of Rs.500 rupees instead they should talk about Rs.500 crores.

Post elections lets not forget about the need for the 'development' discussion with all the stakeholders and try to bring the reform in the service delivery by the local bodies. The state and central government together should facilitate the local level functioning and make the 'development' fruits accessible and achievable for the people of India.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Minimum government, Maximum Governance

The concept of  'good governance' has reached to a political tone lead by a political party since last 5 years, after 2008 when they realized the importance of unnecessary expenditure by government. The smart governance does not mean doing away with conventional method of governance. The structure remain same, whereas the networks between the offices are improved in order to increase the efficiency. This may not limited to any one state in India, the e-governance change lead by the Government of India, with National Informatics Centre helping the state to have 'e' ready infrastructure in place to have minimum goverment, for the people. The setting up of information kiosks, information centres, service centers by the authorities for the citizens in an approach not limited to a state. There are many state who has pioneering the idea of minimum government including, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat. The learning from each other is done by the central departments, state departments and e ready organisations to provide the necessary service. There is nothing new in the ideas however the implementation in the smaller states have been better with quick outreach to the maximum citizens. The larger states where the internet penetration is low, the idea of minimum government and maximum governance has not yeilded the desired result.

The citizens needs to take the services with the new hope when the government reaches to them via their mobile phones, where e-services in at the door steps of the people. The governments through their efforts can reach to the citizens, and no state in India is left in these approach, only the time and money required to understake the project varies. The national agencies like NRSC, BSNL & DOT, revenue departments, NIC etc has done tremendous job to reach to the citizens, however the lack of interest at the grass roots have hamphered the programs. These might be due to lack of e-readiness of the people and often lack of trained manpower at the village levels. There are many changes required at the grass root level which are already covered under the national programs but poorly implemented at the state to make effective governance.

The lack of understanding of the concept by people who might tag themselves to an activity in a state is not always right, the national policy are in place since 2006, to workout a reform in the governments to improve the governance across the nation. Some states have lead the change in one sector, while others may have done better in another, but there is no doubt the people needs to be connected to the information segment and to be made available with required information. The technology penetration is weak in the governments decision making where the changes in information technologies are not treated well because of the politicians and persons loosing power to control the same. The easy access to information and rights would bring significant change at grassroots often bringing true era of 'Minimum Government, Maximum Governance'. 

Monday, April 21, 2014

'Development' in Political Debates: Beyond People Just Elections

Whatever had been our development philosophies the elections have covered a close agenda with parties after parties have not accepted that there is some requirements which can always grow. The needs are endless and thereby no one can satisfy the needs of people to a hundred percent centrality. Thats why we also see the 'development' now equated with 'roti, kapda aur makan' along swasth aur shiksha (Food, Cloth and Shelther along with Health and Education) as the basics of development.

For any development analysis this would be easy plan,

(a) Even America fails on this pretext because these are growing demands and government often do not reach to the target because of many of the people are out of reach to the governments. India too stands on similar line but more harsher, if you want to target any government you may find plenty of instances where they fail on these counts. There are people who are out these circle of development needs (as mentioned above) because they are wealthy and support themselves. In countries like India 80 percent are dependent on the government for these 'development' needs. Even countries like USA, UK and France more population is dependent on state lead mentioned 'development' doles.

(b) Nine out of the ten country would move along with the population growth, but high growth of population and lack of economic attainment do not allow the people to catch up with others. The cycle of poverty catches them since they seldom have resources to match up with the growing demands. What then a 'development politician' can do to serve the people? The promises to supply them enough finance and materials to fight with needs the governments does not reach to all the citizens groups. May be due to priority and difference among those who are authorized to supply. The different and specific approaches benefits only few but harms many for the want of 'development needs'.

(c) Politicians often claim my development is better than yours, but they often forgets the coffers are same, the finance and ability to meet the requirements of the citizens can not be different during the various political regimes. Recent claims and counter claims of the political parties to become messiah of one or other citizen groups often fall flat due to inabilities of the leaders to understand the development sourcing which are same. No amount of work can satisfy the hundred percent population and opposition would always puncture the long lasting claims of ruling parties.

(d) The media houses across the globe is used by the political parties to fool the citizens in favour  of their idea of development, which revolves around the similar development wheel. The image maker overs to market the 'development' products, which are packaged to suit the party and their ideologies. In countries like India there seems to offers from the media managers to take the political leaderships to these development rides advertising the political campaign to sell the 'development products' offered to citizens. 

Election in democracy is chance for the political leaderships to claim the development efforts by the governments, forgetting that they are by chance the trustees of such works. Its the who system which functions to provide for the 'development needs' of the people. Why do the claims of the parties to correct the wrongs be accepted, which in a way justifies the role of political class to claim the development outcome. The scores of industrialists, academicians, scientists and others who toil hard to reach to there goal thereby contributing to the development requirements often feel neglected and fooled by the political class. The assumed power of the political class and their debates often circles around reducing the development to their party framework, forgetting the needs of the people. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Development: Must be removed from the shackles of Bad Economics

Election once again has started throwing data on the public forum, when the services of the economists are being used to measure the merits of the development. The key holed eyed economist are again judging using the time and variables which they only can define as the unit for the representation of their argument. The reinvention of the data takes place which even the original collectors of information like NSSO, RBI, WB, or others would have imagined to use. The deconstruction of the economy in the claim to be politically correct development jumps out of the economic boxes and does a shadow boxing for the political masters. The utility of the Nobel and ultra Nobel, elite economists thrown out of race of award often fight for the opposition whom this gentlemen represent. The representation of data in the favour of the parties who tries to disown the economic preferences of the ruling parties often treat the data from the government as farce and not to be quoted. In most of the cases they build the economic argument based on the political notion of the justification as if the data (if its so) can be manipulated to suit a political agenda.

In a way the political masters do not control the economic affairs as it is made to believe, they are not one who can feed the poor or even stop the down slide of the economy. They are no way responsible for the development status of the people, why the economists make us believe that what you are looking at is the outcome of the political gentlemen/women who tried very hard to save you from economic oblivion.

The international development forums have often rejected, economic indicators as true representative of the 'development' of the people and regions. What macro economy represents anyway..a state of health regarding the country. There are some who tries to overthrow the planning commission, who rather shall be strengthened for whatever they would have done in last 60 plus years. Is it so easy that for the sake of the political freedom the division of the nation should be accepted. Whether there is political nexus between a national and regional parties to weaken the development strategies from central organisation, for more federal power to the state in the name of financial autonomy. In the competition between the political parties, which in India is getting transformed into the state autonomy (which on the ground is not true) in the macro economic debates turns out to decentralization of power for the sake of political benefits. If at all the states transfers similar financial autonomy to the constituent districts.

Development in the election year have become a show game for the political parties often reflecting the feudal mindset with exclusive political strategies to corner maximum funds from the corporate. The deprived social class as always were granted little political mileage in the development  debate since they rather contribute little to the national and state domestic product. The growth charts cannot be filled while the poor are serviced by the state, the free education, land rights, rights to health, forest rights, creation of wealth at grassroots shows no insight from the popular economic theorists and thinkers who run after the political masters for the sake of intellectual acceptance. The realization of the development inputs cannot only be take if there is public-private participation where public means government and private means corporate. The sectors which were limited to the government departments mainly tribal, forest, irrigation, education, health etc were privatized by the government citing bad economics after the post liberalization. But these social change by installing the corporate partners did not help in improvement of social sectors. Most of the economically developed states are examples of giving not so good human development indicators. In fact HDI is common indicators where the economic development has lesser impact if the fundamental resources of the respective states remain intact.

In fact the economic principles practiced by many intellectual who often que before the political class are nurtured by desire to gain the power to have say in handling millions of rupees often at the cost of the common men. The idea of the projects and crores of rupees in the schemes gives immense satisfaction to such who are often not bothered to understand the outcome or forget about the social audit. Most the million rupee scheme are wasted on the lack of monitoring, where outcome is not the goal to which economists have worked rather they limit themselves to the funding.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Development Debate: Circus by the political class

'Everybody loves Good Draught' by P.Sainath, tries to explore the dimensions of developmental reality and fate of depressed class in the post independent India. The political class though estrainged with many criticism often look away from the reality. The national parties are claiming for the development models are far from the reality. The people who decide on the government programs, often forwarded by the political class do not belong to either of national parties. The programs are made to feel that people would get some doles from the government exchequer in turn to democratic favour of electing parties into the power. When would people in India understand the governance, and realise that the they need to come forward and participate in governance. The political class often take over the claims, unless privately they are in favour of few individuals, either from their friends, family and business. The unholy nexus is known and many state government particularly in western India, colluded with the corporate to the advantage of the business over the people.

The numerous promises made by the political class often is limited to corporate, the pledging of government land, providing cheap infrastructure and absolute guarantee of the cheap labour by the states encourages the corporate to exploit the land. The encouragement of the state capital by infusing the investment by the state to create companies under the Acts that suits the governments to divert the tax payers money to business ventures. These companies are no more labour intensive public sector units and babus paradise, but a corporate run company managed by the government employees as its managing director. Government becomes a share holders which keeps the money to fuel the state domestic product. Even the social institutions, para goverment institutions and organisations formed by the governments are often used to divert the functions and budget of the standard government to the run an exmarital affairs with the business world.

In many cases the funds are diverted to run a pro government campaign often helps the party in power to play its role in getting the cheap funds for promoting the agenda more closer to the leader. Thus making the circus of the development efforts. Often the leader of the government becomes the ring master who drives the others to fall into the line or tame the opposition to be a quite puppy.  

Thursday, March 6, 2014

People who talk about rights are often termed leftist and Maoist...

The loosely used terms in the present 'capitalist' based societies, for the people engaged in struggle for the rights are 'leftist', 'maoist', 'anarchist' and so on. The political class who is currently holding the development of nation, has rights over the resources often target the leaders belonging to particular group engaged in the fight for peoples rights. Recently even for those who wants to restore the constitutional rights in India often termed as 'maoist'. The leaders of the leading political parties during the election time often see a disturbing elements in normal course of political affairs. The urban uprising of the groups engaged in anti corruption activities are not looking for the straight political answers, and rather do not expect the parties to understand their political agenda. The regular parties are unable to understand the political motive, instead they also want the new group to have political ideologies in many cases similar to what they are offering. In no case they intend to deviate from the current political affairs. From national to regional parties no body expects the rights based group to succeed politically otherwise detrimental to current politics-corporate nexus.

The nature of protest against the establishment lead by a political group (established as an outcome of street struggle) emerges as talking point of not offering any political ideology. The establishment of constitutional guarantee and run up to protest does not qualify them to be people who can claim that they can run the country. People by themselves has to follow a political group to expect them to be desirous of being a representative in parliament is often opposed unless they follow the conventional political wisdom. The parties born out of street struggle would seldom be engaged in the running of the government, the clash of political groups in such a situation would bring instability. The case of Nepal is before us where such group after forming the governments also failed to get the constitution running unless they modified it.

The ideologies in such a situation rejects the oppression based social structure and political system, the poor and disadvantage groups in current political system are suppressed to take over the resources. The poor sharing of resources and state controlled by such political class often results in situation in which street protests are fueled. We in the due course would oversee the new loksabha election in India, 2014 would be landmark in the political history of India, when the street based people movement would get the political identity. This is going to destabalise the governance for some time or would force the main stream political parties to have socialistic agenda in the their political discourse.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Political parties and personalities taking over the government today...

The constitution of India a document people of India gave to themselves to decide the future of India and manner in which the stakeholders should be behaving has done well during last six decades by inching towards the progress. The progress so made now also have credit takers as well as those who demonize the development also give credit to political class. The 'government' so defined constituted the four estates, executive, legislative and judiciary. In addition 'media' as forth estate constitute what government was supposed to be in democracy. Some may also cite 'people' community or mob as a part of the fourth estate. But during these last 60 years India's democracy is now fully taken over the political class by claiming government as their own, the government's are now titles as 'congress government' 'Janta Government' or BJP Government, and more brazenly as Manmohan's Government, Modi's Government, Mulayams Governments, Vasundhara's Government etc. It so feels now that we are returning backing to feudal system of governance. The lordships have divided the country among themselves and trying to get control of more territories by claiming victory over the opposition territory. The political class conveniently run the government (as they claim), and asks the people to go to long sleep and slumber till before the next election.

Such is the desire of the political class, that they create the political lobbies in the other estates like in executive, judiciary and media. They are often used to target the opposition, and often purchased by using ill gotten monies from the political slung matches. The furious fight is for the people to believe that they are enemies but as true to their class they do not mind to come together for their own self, or political benefits. The same opposition parties becomes a part of the common minimum program to run the ill mandated governance. The fate of nation though not really being planned by either of the political parties they use the other estates for their own political benefit. The system so builds takes care of the orientation of common citizens towards the political debates and the interest of them takes back seat. It takes few more people to join the political bandwagon to claim government of their own. Democracy in such conditions often fails to address the needs to people (who are not aligned to the ruling parties). The societies across are polarized between the political camps often prevails to feed their political masters and class.

 The dance of democracy from the political claimant's continues till the upcoming election 2014 in India, the political rivalries on the street also tends to friendly affairs among the seasoned politicians. The country divided into the political views ultimately has to follow the constitution, its hard to believe how one can clean the system unless its changed often. 'Swaraj' or 'Self rule' by the people was the essence of the Indian democracy but political class or emerging political class stops short of addressing the people or they themselves have accepted the political masters. Let the parties divide the nations, societies and communities by polarizing the political lines and keep people divided to run their democratic governments. Whether the political class have taken over the governments? we need to be more cautious in understanding the manner in which India's democracy would mature.  

Friday, February 14, 2014

Development Plan: Realtors and politicians guiding the cities

Long time ago there was agenda for the public participation in the preparation of the development plans for the cities. The town planners instead of preparing the table plans were instructed to take the inputs from the people and stake holders to prepare the development plans. It cannot be just the coloured land use plan, but it was supposed to take the inputs regarding the vision of people and stakeholders, aspirations of youth and urban middle class. Providing amenities, green spaces, transportation facilities etc, were the intentions the town plans were prepared. Recently the very agenda of the people and governments are hijacked by the Realtor's and politicians by making changes suitable to their own agenda's. The plans are made in hurry with cosy involvement of the consultants, government planners and babus sitting in state secratraits. The plans so prepared are now carefully looked for protecting the interests of the politicians and their real estate friends. The cities are now catering to upcoming market areas and investment destinations as desired by the construction industry, the people and their aspirations are not being focus of the development plans.

The land parcels whether its in hand of the government or the builders are taken care in the new development plans. The high stake in the land markets often drive the investors in careful control of the development plans. The make or break story of the development plans are often now tied up with the stake of the high and mighty. The fianancial stake of political parties in addressing the needs of the builders and contractors are eating into the development funds. Large investment is not for the improvement of the existing living environment or redevelopment of the deliapilated areas but to fund the upcoming market areas suitable for the realtor's. The quick fix lies into the addressing the needs of the land market forgetting the huge gap in urban infrastructure.

The urban infrastructure which are required in the towns and cities across the countries are often neglected on the one hand and huge investment are made in fly overs, river fronts, roads which services the new areas. The city needs more focus on the people who live in poor conditions, the few urban projects which high lights vision of the present population.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

When Development is tagged to political parties...

Its good that development as a topic of discussion  takes a central stage in political discourses. But the most important thing which can be noted that the governments in its nomenclature is also termed out to be X parties government. When in democracy we adopted by naming a central and state govt. by parties. The political parties have a limited role to play in decision making exercise, which are supposed to be outcome of extensive research on the policy research, its impact and monitoring. 'Development' which till recently world over is thought about a serious exercise which does not mean going by party line (which often is not an outcome of well researched agenda) but by analysis of the data given through national or state level surveys. During the discourse we are into the position of easily projecting an development ideologies which stands on the political ideology and of course which totally differs from the theoretical bases. The schemes which can be objectively targeted at the development needs of the people emerges to be treating to the political needs of the parties.

The good research output suggestive of a policy which might be emerging from the burning of night oil by the numerous support staff (you may call them researches) often turning to be night mare to convince the political bosses. How on earth development issues can be limited to political parties without institutional backup. Are parties suppose to run a parallel institutional network? Or the institutions also become politicised to give feed accordingly to the political class. The individuals in the recent political arena tries to make the policies based on the their believes which in most of the cases are poorly analysed by themselves. The polarisation of the parties in the national issues is also resulting in the policy polarisaiton on the party lines. To some extent these are good to understand the good and bad outcome expected of the decisions taken by a political leaders. But do we essentially mean to say that the system is not in place to find the problems, discuss with people for verification and solutions. Development to wide spectrum of people means illusion created by the political masters. The populism of the policy depends more on the freebies which in long run may not be fruitful.

There is little doubt about the political parties in asserting their wish to the policy makers, when they themselves become the policy makers by not just discussing it among themselves also creating a no question mode for the people, the problem of acceptance arises. The serious development analysis in these scenarios take a back seat. The state governments now if seen from the political perspectives may stand in front of central governments in accepting the major political decisions or even rediculing the central decisions. Same in the case of the grass root democratic setup a situation of distress arises when the basic policy intentions and guidelines are violated. We are in a situation when more we look into the problems we try to find the quick answers which are of course short lived. Certain conflict in the policy approach or infighting between the political class has seen as loss of good opportunity in sharing the best of all.