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Monday, May 21, 2018

Prepare National Development Plan 2040 - Inclusive of Settlement Planning and Design Guidelines for India

Time has come to prepare National Development Plan - 2040, along with guidelines for National Guidelines for Settlement Planning and Design (GSPD) taking national vision, infrastructure requirements and demographic needs on settlements. Its time to shed differential planning for Urban and Rural Areas, instead it can be national, state and regional planning inclusive of all settlements, its resources and development needs. Lets begin people's planning must provide guidance on appropriate practices and technologies and it does not replace the need for professional experience and judgement.

Climate change may exacerbate the problems caused by poor urban management. For example, poor storm water drainage systems and urban-induced soil erosion result in flash flooding. Increased storm intensity due to climate change would exacerbate such problems.
 Cities are particularly vulnerable to climate change because they are slow to adapt to changes in the environment and they have entrenched dependencies on specific delivery mechanisms for critical services.
 The effective management of the interface between urban residents and their surrounding environment producing sustainable social-ecological systems needs to the addressed. Similarly the concept of climate resilience in the context of urban social-ecological systems needs to be further developed.
 Water demand in urban centres is growing rapidly, placing undue stress on water supply systems. Investment in waste water treatment works has not remained in line with the growth in demand and use.
 Informal settlements are vulnerable to floods and fires, exacerbated by their location in flood- or pondingprone areas and on sand dunes; inferior building materials; and inadequate road access for emergency vehicles.
 Cities and dense urban settlements consume large amounts of energy.