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Nature Remembers You...

Monday, May 23, 2016

The Failed Nation Theory of Development

The Failed Nation Theory of Development - There is numerous definition of development based on the philosophy of the social scientists, but the most prominent were described by the professions who were deciding the fate of the nation. The political class with its objective to propagate their thought till they are in power as every thing is for the national development. Till they attain the position of opposition its failure of the development remarked mostly in the discourse for getting power in next election.

But the parties which came to power after 60 years of the nation history, and being part of the active opposition for three decades, now finds very difficult to take it forward. There idea is to reject the past with its complete trace of development history. The political discourse now a days has moved towards projecting India as nation failed to achieve any thing during past 60 years (a mere political context). The agenda of the earlier parties in power was never acceptable even though its scripted ditto by the current ruling alliance. The leaders were quick to select the points of disagreement but later found nothing can be found justified whether its, rural India, urban, agriculture, defense, foreign policy, finance etc. they found the 60 years of history must be shed to give rise to new India.

As if we have entered into the royalty the end of one dynasty saw the rise of new and changed the direction of the development flow. The groups which were rejected by the political commentators have nothing to do with freedom of India, is now seeded to power with more stronger nation concept. The believers and non-believers concept of political ideologies are promoted with the tizzy cocktail of captialist frame of development. The ruling party now wants to select and change the system one by one for the national development with very profoundly believe in the failed system of development.

Albiet the theory for the development and means or methods remains same it would be only time which would converge two political thought which might talk to integrate India with rest of world. The pain and gain of the citizens now depends upon their voting pattern, the 2016 election like 2014 may not be land mark when the change happened after 60 years of political dominance. The current ruling party in now challenged within two year. What is there in India's DNA politically is non-alligned to an ideology where there is maximum diversity which political parties urge to unite. The plural character of nation is being brought down to desire for singular frame to worship 'Bharat'. The ideal and ideologies have changed but whether the citizens who voted them to power also changed? Do not know. When the 10,000 British men can rule India for long a handful of political leaders ranging from 500-2000 committed leaders can dominate Indian political landscape.

What is expected for the leaders who try to rule (rather to serve) in democracy? A fan following who belive in the character of development, When majority were made to believe in 'failed' nation theory the lack of continuity is expected, But this would also associate the political unrest and change of sub-systems and non-cooperation from the state who do not believe in ideologies of the party who is running the national development agenda. How difficult it would be agree in future?

Monday, May 16, 2016

If there is no plan what you review? Promises are not real for Indian Government

The rejection of Planned Development of the country by the new government since 2014, has resulted in allocation of budget to departments and state based on the sourced knowledge. The NITI Ayog the renamed and totally new version of policy making has made poor progress in understanding the needs of country. It has selectively picked the points based on the party Manefesto rather than working paper by experts. The masters voice is loud and clear to the babus and experts in Ayog (ex-employee's of Planning Commission) to follow the new change  to suit the political bosses.

The series of programs floated has no serious basis, or re-worked old programs or simply renamed, an political excercise on the behest of party in power. The plan periods would be lapsed in 2017, before be see the end of Nehruvian era. May be the birth of market economy with India slated to poise to lead the Asia with more investments, flow of money, able -skilled people, ease of doing business etc. But whether the country can look inwards into the problem of Agriculture, Market, Urbanization, Water, Environment, Climate Change etc which are global concern. The fundamental shift in Macro economics and political think is still to be directed and questioned by those who are running it. The higher education institutes, experts and market leaders are supporting the current agenda as they had supported earlier agenda. No particular school of thoughts holds point since we are slated to follow the leader.

The development track or the world community is watching the change in India silently, knowingly well its shortfall in dealing with social, infrastructure and economic issues. They want to control the Indian economy and time is right now to enter and convince the political bosses. What PMO during UPA-II cannot do due to call for 'inclusive growth' where the rights based approach was adopted by the policy makers. Now the current government is preparing the grounds for big bang reform with expected investments, flow of funds  and hopes into Indian economy. Whether these would also enhance the risks, stop social funding or remove the subsidies from majority etc. can be debated in next phase of govt.

Two years have passed with drastic change in plan system, and entry of market is awaited, it would be too late it does not kick up by this year end. Lets hope that we sense the market well, and desires of people who feels government has failed them by not understanding their needs of hunger, unemployment, poverty and agriculture.