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Saturday, April 18, 2015

Scam India to Skill India: Shaming India Abroad

The recent visit of PM abroad highlighted the change in India during last ten months from its transition from being 'scam India' to 'skill India'. No matter nothing has been done to make India skilled in last 10 months yet may turnout to be rallying point of ruling party. The assumption of the political class in owning the government from being Government of India to be claimed as 'Modi Sarkar' we personalized the government officially. Though the term used by media as an adjective turned out to be big election campaign slogan. The ownership did not remain only with the present ruling parties but the GoI ownership for past 60 years were granted to Congress. The easy claim to governments by the political class does not take into account the constitutional provisions and idea of government into four constituent pillars namely, executive, judiciary, legislative and media or people. 

The ownership of political class to government transferred all the ills of them to governments and in turn to the people of India. The notion of 'SCAM' India resides not only on the political parties those who have ruled but also people of India, who laboured hard to achieve the development goals. The professionals, government officials, academicians and citizens who all were part of various systems together brings out to what India is today. The alleged notion of India by present PM is faulty on the grounds of wild image created by the media. India is not scam prone its endevour to fight poverty and backwardness by increasing the agriculture production, industrial activities and technical knowledge is known world over. The efforts of people and tolerance of the all the government from central to state is legendary. Irrespective of shortage of resources, lack of infrastructure and basic amenities the people did not complained fully understanding the reasons of backwardness. This was not just scams which resulted in present state of affairs, its resource crunch, population growth and systems failure all due to various reasons.

There are times when the hard works of the individuals, state and national institutions have resulted in the change and enhanced India's competitiveness abroad. We have raised the glory of country in many economic sectors. We may be still middle income categories but the growth rate have risen in last two decades due to reforms. The scam allegations may be true since also marks the nature of awareness the media, state and people are into for their rights. 

The current government are at fault in raising the issue while showcasing the abilities of India and its people abroad. The party in power must respect the voice of nation, their dreams and refrain from damaging the image of India based on the data provided by the agencies who are out in open to protect the interest of developed world and their business. The trade imbalances are also result of poor image creation and campaign by the western nation to delink India's growth story from labour of its people. They are happy to project the poor image and disintegrated political class resulting in the damaging the ruling by the fellow political class and primarily the congress party. The parties in power must rule, but nation does not belong to a political party, its the people who have elected them to restore the image of India and enhance its potential. The blame game must stop and short term arrogance of the political parties must go away to give space to development works based on the reasonable policies not drawn by political class but by all the constituents of the Government of India and its states. 

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